Friday, February 8, 2013
Telenovela Watch - Pasión Prohibida
This week's Telenovela Watch looks at the first weeks of PASION PROHIBIDA, the most intriguing Miami-produced novela in years. An intricate
chess match starring Mónica Spear, Rebecca Jones, Jencarlos Canela, Roberto
Vander, Carmen Aub and Mercedes Molto – all excellent - it's the closest thing to a chamber play Telemundo has ever done.
only concern is will Telemundo’s viewers respond to a story focused on
ambiguity, where the violence is emotional rather than literal, PP is so unlike the rest
of the network’s programming - lurid tosh rife with grisly torture and murders,
sensationalistic bloodletting moving ever closer to the so-called torture
pornography of the cinema, where a woman can be murdered with an electric
drill, brain matter can splatter on a wall and a pregnant woman can have her
baby kicked out of her. If PASIÓN
PROHIBIDA, doesn’t find an audience, will it degenerate into the network’s
standard bunk; if we see narcos suddenly intrude on the proceedings around
episode 50, we’ll have our answer, though it would be a shame to see something
with potential of quality go to pot.

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