A funny thing happens mid-way through the 2012 Televisa
telenovela UN REFUGIO PARA EL AMOR – the loved ones of the principal
antagonist, Roselena (Laura Flores), after watching her grow more and more emotionally
unstable, take her to be checked out by medical professionals, first to scan
her brain for physical ailments, then, force her to see a psychiatrist, which
she does for the remainder of the novela.
The not-so-good results are predictable: by the novela’s end, Roselena
has completely lost all touch with reality.
It got me thinking: Is there a more thankless profession
for a character on a melodrama than psychotherapist? To drive a story, it is almost a prerequisite
for the psychotherapist to be incompetent, the dramatic possibilities far riper
in psychosis than restored mental balance.
Sure, there are triumph of the human spirit stories to be explored if
the psychotherapist is able to assist a character heal emotionally and
psychologically, become a responsible, contributing member of society after
some mental or emotional trauma; but far, far more prolific are the patients disintegrating
into dangerous psychopaths.

This serial quackery becomes especially tiresome on a
soap opera, where the sa
me doctor has to make mistake after mistake regarding
patient after patient, year after year.
This was the case with Dr. Rae Cummings, a psychologist who appeared on
all four ABC soap operas in the early 2000s, but most prominently on ONE LIFE
TO LIVE, where every patient she treated wound up getting worse under her care,
ultimately going on some violent rampage through town. The joke on these shows is the psychologist
is still treated with respect around town, a pillar of her profession, even
after a handful of horrific gaffes and the loss of many innocent lives.
actually repeat the jokes of Llanview’s dreadful mental health care a few years
later when Marty Saybrooke (Susan Haskell) became the resident soap
psychiatrist. Eventually, Marty herself
also went on a violent psychotic rampage, stabbing one character and shoving
another off a roof. Of course, she was
treated by another incompetent psychotherapist – a vicious cycle.
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